
Applying to Medical School - What You Need to Know

I think many people know that getting through medical school is incredibly tough. Emotionally, physically, mentally-- every -ly possible. But I think most people forget to talk about how tedious (and EXPENSIVE) it is just get into medical school. It took my husband two years to get accepted and if you know him, that’s surprising. Through our experience, we have some need-to-knows for all you future medical school students (and their wives-- let’s be honest, the wife does a lot). Here is my rundown of what applying actually entails. 1. MONEY! I would suggest to save at least $4,000-- That is the lowest amount I would have immediately available AND that is also if you are currently working and have the ability to pay for application expenses monthly (say $250/month). Some people even estimate students can spend upwards of $ 10,000 just to apply . Why? Because you’ve got primary applications, secondary applications (I’ll explain these later), travel fees (airline tickets/tran
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